Hermit Crab Awareness

Hermit Crab Awareness

Click HERE to download card PDF file

We do everything in our power to advocate and create awareness around hermit crab keeping and care. We are talking to customers in pet stores, educating store employees, posting content on social media, and reaching out to our local legislators.

One way we have been sharing CSJ with strangers, is by leaving cards for them to find when buying improper hermit crab items.

We hope that by pointing people in the right direction, we will be able to decrease the amount of misinformation out there!  

Click HERE to download PDF file

There are 10 cards on one page that is both front and back! This can be downloaded and printed using a mobile device or computer.

If you do not have access to a printer, Walmart and many other electronic stores will do printing for only a few cents! 

Be sure to select both side printing!
They can be printed onto any kind of paper or card stock, and then cut out!

We recommend placing these cards discreetly, and semi hidden from front view to prevent them being thrown away.

We have been choosing to use these cards in the following locations:

  • Pet store care info brochures
  • Inside improper for sale habitats 
  • Inside an improper supplies kit
  • In the bottom of pet store shell boxes 
  • Stacked between improper sand bags

Use your best judgement and leave if you ever feel harassed ❤️ Thanks for spreading awareness!

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